Making “active” the self-consumption of solar PV energy is now easier than ever, thanks to the exclusive compatibility between Rialto ecosystem and Elios4you.
Rialto multiplies the possibilities of using self-produced energy with the solar PV system to increase energy savings, reducing the energy bill and carbon footprint as well.
During the winter or the summer, you can now start heating or cooling your home “for free” with your solar PV energy, instead of feeding the grid.
- If you have a heat pump system, you just need the Rialto thermostat managing the air conditioning with the self-consumption option
- If you have a “not electric” heating system, you can integrate it with electric radiators and fan coils, controlling them by wireless actuators and the Rialto thermostat diverting automatically the surplus energy from the solar PV
- If you have an air conditioner equipped with an auxiliary thermostat input, a thermostat combined with a wireless relay of the Rialto line will be the solution for managing it using the self-consumption option
Do you have a pump for the filtration of the swimming pool? Do you have a particularly damp basement where you must periodically operate a dehumidifier?
Connect them to a Rialto actuator (wall socket or relay) and program them switching on/off according to the excess of solar PV power available: you will use green energy, reduce the energy bill and… “forget”!
Once the system is set, it will automatically operate the load still having a complete control through the App.
It’s one of the main costs, from an energy point of view, for any home: hot water for sanitary use.
For example, bringing 200 litres of water from 20° C to 70° C, energy consumption is 11.6 kWh*: in practice, it accumulates in the form of “free” hot water, as much energy as in a storage battery with similar sizing!
This is possible because once Rialto is connected to an Elios4you, Rialto accesses the home energy flows detected by Elios, in real-time.
According to the information on how much energy from solar PV is feeding the grid (the one that passes through the exchange meter) it is possible to increase automatically the self-consumption of excess energy from solar PV, avoiding to purchase it from the network.
*based on a simplified theoretical formula
So… does Rialto replace Elios4you? The answer is: NO!
Rialto takes care of the “smart” and simple management of the house, with now the additional function for increasing solar PV energy self-consumption.
Elios4you, otherwise, is specifically designed for the monitoring and management of solar PV and energy flows: it integrates system alert functions and can collect historical data about energy production, consumption and withdrawal data, providing information about energy production and self-consumption performance over time, also through a cloud platform.
See our tutorial
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